Thursday, October 30, 2008

Burning Questions

Hi folks. It's been a while since last I wrote, and there are many topics on my mind for the next few Histbusters. But today I am feeling very contemporary, so I thought I'd answer a couple of myths currently doing the rounds...

1. Is Barack Obama a Muslim?

This isn't even a real question. All the shock jocks in the US are implying it is true, as though the implication that you are of the Islamic faith is some sort of badge of shame. The true answer - it doesn't matter one iota.

Sadly, Barack seems to think it does. His official website for denying untrue rumours about him, states quite plainly:

"Barack Obama is a committed Christian, not a Muslim." (Their emphasis)

Just to sate your curiosity - because we are all dying to know just where he got that interesting name: 'Barack' was his dad's name; 'Hussein' was his grandfather's name; his dad was 'atheist' according to Obama (although he would say that, for electability purposes, but again, does it matter?); his mum's side were strict Protestants; he discovered Christianity in the 80s, and has been a devotee ever since., perhaps more interesting myth...

2. Did Barack Obama attend a madrassa (religious college) when he lived in Indonesia?

I didn't even know that Barack had lived in Indo until the other night. I knew all the other stuff - Kenyan dad, white mum, grew up in Hawai'i, befriended terrorists, desires the forcible takeover of the US government by the faithful martyrs of Allah - but the Indonesian link had passed me by. And apparently, those very same shock jocks who keep going on about Obama forging his birth certificate, and being a closet Islamist, have been telling their listeners all about his attendance at a devout Islamic school, of the type frequented by the Bali bombers or the Taliban.

According to Newsweek, and various other journals, this is patent bollocks. During his five years there, he attended a Catholic school, then a public primary school, where religion was taught once a week. Of course, being a Muslim country, this would have been the basics on Islam.

That's enough Obama. One final question from this week's news...

3. Is Kim Jong-Il dead?

Apparently, the Dear leader is on his deathbed, or completely well, or has been dead for ages. That's the best I can come up with from scanning the web for info on this crazy character.

We all know that someone thinks they saw his son maybe contact a French doctor who has perhaps gone to Pyongyang, where possibly he is treating the leader for a mystery illness.

We have also recently heard that he groomed four lookalikes to impersonate him in public, for fear of an assassination attempt, and that, since his death in 2003, one of these has stood in for him.

Plus we know that he hasn't been seen in public for a couple of months.

So is he dead?

First, the idea that he has been replaced by an impersonator is pure, deluded, spybook fantasy. Discount it immediately.

And the fact that he could have died, but the world has not found out? Again, far from possible, in this day and age. There would be someone in North Korea with something to gain from such information leaking out. If any world leader dies today, we will all know tomorrow. That goes equally for Kim Jong-Il. Just because he is a crackpot, doesn't mean his nation believes it can't go on without him. They managed well enough after the death of his infinitely more popular and indispensable father, Kim Il-Sung, back in 1994.

When Kim finally kicks the bucket, this is what will happen: an announcement will be made, a grotesquely massive funeral service will be held, some general will be promoted to President, and Kim will recieve the same accolade as his dear, dead, dad:

"Eternal President of the Republic (2)"


Anonymous said...

How strange... I was talking about that today with my class. There's a kid just fresh off the boat from Richmond, Virginia who swears Obama prays to Satan. I bet there was a lively discussion at the dinner table tonight when he told Ma 'n Pa what his teacher said!

Mr Griffith said...

A FOB from VA in the USA? Brilliant. My vote is with the satanist. Better than the last two elections, where Satan actually won. Well, he was Vice President, but close enough.

Anonymous said...

Obama's dad was a muslim in tradition only... Obama's dad was an alcoholic.... Alcohol is against Islam... We all know that Obama lived with his mum...

I don't think Obama is a true christian either... but after reading a small book on him it seems that in his Harlem days he was influenced by a reverend.... anyway....

Mr Griffith said...

Is anyone a true Christian??

Sam Cox said...

The real issue is not that Obama is a secret Muslim but that McCain is secretly working for the Vietnamese.

He was in that POW camp for a long time, long enough for them to turn him. Then he was released with the orders to go become president.

Mr Griffith said...

'The Vietnamese Candidate'. I can see the movie script it's never been done before.

Anonymous said...

McCain says he is a christian but for votes you will say anything... Same goes for Obama....

Is anyone a true christian.... Yes and No.....

Hey Tom dig up some info on Kim Jong Ill... I hear he has one of the biggest movie collections in the world...... Wonder if he has Blue ray

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom, can you bust the myth that Hitler was a vegetarian?